I will add a random selection of photos to this post, without annotation. These photos are all from a hike we did yesterday down a trail called “Park AVenue”, within Arches National Park. These pics are as is, unedited, warts and all, taken with my Samsung S21 Ultra phone.
Ugh, problems again. Photos will have to wait. Damn.
Five days in Arches is perfect! Moab isn’t bad for a tourist town, but everything is quite pricey! We are so happy we decided to revisit this most amazing and beautiful park!
I have been to few places on this planet where the effects of geologic time are so apparent. This, being our last day in the park, we’re going to see some dinosaur tracks, as an example. Looking around you can see the ancient ocean floor, carved out of sand and rock. At one place we visited, there was a salt bed 10,000 feet thick underneath our feet – the result not of one, but several very deep oceans that came into being, froze due to an ice age, dissipated, then arose again, multiple times over the millenia. It’s hard to get your head around – so much time involved!
I’ll have more to say about our trip once I return home.