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My Quantum Quandary: When Words Collide

My Quantum Quandary: When Words Collide

This morning at the crack of dawn, I find myself sitting at my PC, ruminating over coffee about language, of all things. More specifically, as of late I’ve been wrestling with the problems I have been having with the language used in quantum physics and how a few...
Time Lord No. 2: Craig Callendar

Time Lord No. 2: Craig Callendar

As I stated in the introduction to my series about time, I am going to introduce you to a number of philosophers – and their theories – who are important to the field of study known as the “philosophy of time.” They will not necessarily be in any specific order...
Part 6: Claymore Alley

Part 6: Claymore Alley

"Claymore Alley" is a paper I wrote years ago about my first combat experience in Vietnam, a case of "friendly fire." . It turned out to be a cathartic experience.