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Travel Time Again! Heading Back to Asia!

Written by Jeff Drake
10 · 14 · 18

My wife and I haven’t been out of the country since June and we were getting restless. So many places to see and so little time! Where to go? Our wish list of travel places to visit is long, so we went through a number of choices before making a final decision.

We were very interested in a new small-boat trip offered by Overseas Adventure Travel for the Middle East but put that off for now because we both felt that another trip to Arabic-speaking countries is just too close to the last Arabic countries we visited in 2014 (Turkey and Morocco). We foolishly (in retrospect) did Morocco and Turkey back-to-back and it was almost too much. Even now, we mix up our memories of those countries. We are also interested in doing another African safari, but that is such a special trip that we think we should save it for my 70th birthday.

Thus, we had to take a look at one of our favorite regions in the world – Asia. After researching it for a while, we opted to do yet another (our 5th) trip with Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT), this time – to Japan! Kon’nichiwa!

The trip is titled, “Japan’s Cultural Treasures” and as the name implies, this tour will dig into Japan’s history, traditions, religions, food, etc. We won’t be doing our usual travel marathon as this trip only goes to four cities: Tokyo, Hakone, Kanazawa and Kyoto, over a period of 14 days starting this November. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the wonderful Japanese fall colors will still be visible, as that would enhance our photographic opportunities immensely!

I will once again be recording all phases of our trip on my travel blog, so please stay tuned! This is going to be a fun adventure!



Jeff Drake

Retired IT consultant, world-traveler, hobby photographer, and philosopher.

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